Saturday, July 31, 2004

MS Security in the Headlines
Could somebody tell me why this article about another Microsoft Security problem is news? I mean it would be news if we went a week without a MS security problem wouldn't it? Microsoft said they were going to only release patches to Windows on a monthly basis so that companies would have time to review them before installing them. They would only release emergency patches sooner if they were really needed. Unfortunately, with Internet Explorer, it seems they are needed every few days.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Intel delays 4GHz Pentium 4
ArsTechnica has news that Intel is suffering yet again. The 4GHz Pentium 4 originally planned for release by the end of 2004 is now scheduled for the first quarter of 2005. In the meantime AMD has announced price cuts on the AMD 64 bit processors. Not only that, but the price cuts are bigger than analysts had expected. Intel seems to be on the run.

Friday, July 02, 2004

MS giving away more development tools
Microsoft has announced new stripped down versions of their Visual Studio tools for developers who want to try them out. While you can't write big applications or DirectX games, you can use them for a number of simple applications and utilities. Microsoft's CEO Steve Balmer has known for a long time that it takes developers creating new software for your operating system to stay in business. Personally, I prefer Java.

Riddick comes to the PC
Gamespot reports that while the "Chronicles of Riddick" may have been a box office flop, the XBox game has been very well received. So much so that VU Games has announced that they are going to port the game to the PC. Good news for those of us without an XBox, but this seems like more evidence that XBox and Windows are competing with each other.

Who would want to buy a free webmail account? reports that Google has officially placed a ban on people trying to sell accounts on Gmail. Proving that some people just have too much money, and too little sense.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

MMORPG's dropping like flies
Gamespy reports that Ultima X is the latest MMORPG in development that has been cancelled. Apparently these companies have all bit off more than they can choose. The existing companies have to be happy to see the competition quit before they even get started.

Lots of games is bad news?
Games Industry Reports a Banc of America statement that they see a LOT of new game titles will be shipping during the holiday season this year. However, while that is great news for us gamers, they claim it will make for tough competition for the industry, and may hurt their sales forecasts. The solution? We all have to buy more games!!